Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just Another Day In The TDOT

So it was a real nice day and I headed downtown Toronto for the afternoon to just chill and ended up bumping into the host of "MTV 4REAL". They call'em Sol Guy on the show and he's a pretty cool dude. I caught him doing an interview just outside on the streets and just decided to say what up. If ya'll haven't caught the show on MTV it's a pretty interesting show. They travel across the world to visit areas that are struggling and try to do learn from it and try to make positive movements to help these areas. You just have to check out the show it may catch your attention in a positive way.

Here's a quick clip of the show....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quuuuestion..where in this blog did you mention you went to toronto to do school work? hmmmmmm