Friday, November 14, 2008

Very Disappointing!!

Well I know I haven't got the chance to blog for quite a bit but this is a MUST blog issue. I have just finished watching the new bond film "Quantum of Solace" after waiting an hour and a half due to the long ass line at the theatre for the first day and I must say it sucked!!...for someone that is quite a bond fan I really felt this new film really lacked in a lot of things. To sum it all up the movie sucked...and 3 reasons why:

1. Crashing the famous Aston Martin right in the beginning (Bad move)
2. NOT bangin' the hot chick in the movie (Another Bad move)
3. the plot/story did not make any sense...half the time nobody knew what the hell was going on

3 strikes!!! = "movie sucked"

The only thing I guess you could always expect in a bond film is the good action sequences throughout the film, which in this case was pretty good but that was about it. So I wouldn't waste my time or money watching the movie your best bet is to either wait till you can just rent it or go out and buy a really good bootleg copy!